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  A Noval Security Model for Indic Scripts - A Case Study on Telugu
Titel: A Noval Security Model for Indic Scripts - A Case Study on Telugu
Auteur: Bhadri Raju MSVS
Vishnu Vardhan B
Naidu G A
Pratap Reddy L
Vinaya Babu A
Verschenen in: International journal of computer science and security
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (2009) nr. 4 pagina's 303-313
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: Secured communication across the world in the information domain is of at most importance when many languages, several alphabets and various signs (glyphs) found their existence. Data in the form of symbolic (text) representation is the basis for the present work. For any cryptographic Process the two main parameters used are the algorithm and the key. Existing cryptographic systems divide the text into words and each word into characters where character is treated as basic unit. For each character, the corresponding bit stream is generated .The cryptographic system encrypts the bit stream and this bit stream represents a set of characters. The transformation of characters is the basis for the security system. While encrypting our emphasis is to retrieve the characters back from the transformed text. The frequency distribution of characters in the original text is reflected up to some extent in the transformed text. The complexity that is involved in the form of frequency distribution is the parameter that is addressed .But if the underlying language is highly complex then it may be difficult to determine a particular message . In fact the structure and complexity of the underlying language is an extremely important factor when trying to assess an attacker's likelihood of success. The unit of information in a given process can be represented in symbolic notation, which may correspond to a language. In case of Indic scripts the basic unit need not correspond to a character. The concept of syllable, which is the representative of a set of characters with their associative combinatorial units is the basis for the formation of text. Syllable formation inherently embedded with the pre defined rules which will be of a major concern for the cryptographic systems. The commonality among all Indic scripts is associated with syllable and at the same time the differences are found with the combinatorial system. A syllable is a set of character codes of varying size where the complexity is in terms of machine and human understandable characteristics are different. The frequency distribution of these characters in the language differs from one language to other. The transformation of these characters can be treated as a basis for any crypto analysis. The frequency distribution of characters of any script plays an important role in this process. This paper proposes a noval approach for the security of Indic scripts in terms of script complexity as a parameter, with a case study on Telugu.
Uitgever: Computer Science Journals (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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