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  Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions XXIII. Salinity-biofertility interactive effects on growth, carbohydrates and photosynthetic efficiency of lactuca sativa
Titel: Plant growth, metabolism and adaptation in relation to stress conditions XXIII. Salinity-biofertility interactive effects on growth, carbohydrates and photosynthetic efficiency of lactuca sativa
Auteur: M. N. A. Hasaneen
M. E. Younis
S. M. N. Tourky
Verschenen in: Plant omics
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2009) nr. 2 pagina's 60-69
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: The interactive effects of different levels of NaCl and two biofertilizers on certain aspects of growth and metabolism of lettuce plants were investigated. The addition of a recommended dose of phosphorein biofertilizer to salinized soil, induced significant increases in all growth and reproductive parameters determined in growing lettuce plants. On the other hand, fertigation of such sodic salty soil with a recommended dose of nitrobein biofertilizer, induced slight decreases in the growth and reproductive parameters. The carbohydrate as well as pigment components and the activity of PS II of the salinized lettuce plants fertigated with phosphorein, were increased throughout the three successive growth stages, above the control levels. On the other hand, nitrobein did slight changes in all the metabolites determined, throughout the entire period of the experiment. The results are discussed in relation to applicability of the biofertilizers to sodic salty soil.
Uitgever: Southern Cross Journals (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 4 van 5 gevonden artikelen
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