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                                       Details van artikel 56 van 79 gevonden artikelen
  On the diameter of dot-critical graphs
Titel: On the diameter of dot-critical graphs
Auteur: Doost Ali Mojdeh
Somayeh Mirzamani
Verschenen in: Opuscula mathematica
Paginering: Jaargang 29 (2009) nr. 2 pagina's 165-175
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: A graph G is $k$-dot-critical (totaly $k$-dot-critical) if $G$ is dot-critical (totaly dot-critical) and the domination number is $k$. In the paper [T. Burtona, D. P. Sumner, Domination dot-critical graphs, Discrete Math, 306 (2006), 11-18] the following question is posed: What are the best bounds for the diameter of a $k$-dot-critical graph and a totally $k$-dot-critical graph $G$ with no critical vertices for $k \geq 4$? We find the best bound for the diameter of a $k$-dot-critical graph, where $k \in\{4,5,6\}$ and we give a family of $k$-dot-critical graphs (with no critical vertices) with sharp diameter $2k-3$ for even $k \geq 4$.
Uitgever: AGH University of Science and Technology (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 56 van 79 gevonden artikelen
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