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  Characterization of maize inbred lines based on molecular markers, heterosis and pedigree data
Titel: Characterization of maize inbred lines based on molecular markers, heterosis and pedigree data
Auteur: Srdić Jelena
Mladenović-Drinić Snežana
Pajić Zorica
Filipović Milomir
Verschenen in: Acta biologica Iugoslavica
Paginering: Jaargang 39 (2007) nr. 3 pagina's 355-363
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: Information about the genetic diversity of inbred lines is essential in planning maize breeding programmes. Utilization of diverse parents in the process of hybridization has the greatest influence on producing high yielding hybrids. The aim of this research was to determine genetic diversity of ten maize inbred lines of different origin on the basis of protein and RAPD markers and to compare these results with pedigree and grain yield heterosis data. Results of genetic distances, based on protein and RAPD markers were similar and in concurrence with the date on the origin of inbreds. Usefulness of protein and RAPD markers for assigning inbreds to heterotic groups was examined by the cluster analysis. Cluster analysis based on protein markers, RAPD and heterosis showed clear grouping of lines into two main heterotic groups. Only few deviations were noticed, and those among inbreds not belonging to those heterotic groups. According to the observed results it could be concluded that grouping of inbred lines based on molecular markers, generally agrees with their pedigrees and that clusters are representatives of heterotic groups. Very high and highly significant estimate of rank correlation coefficient between RAPD and heterosis (0,876**) also confirmed that.
Uitgever: Društvo genetičara Srbije (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 14 gevonden artikelen
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