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  Anatomy of Lignosus Bean (Dipogon lignosus) I: Root
Titel: Anatomy of Lignosus Bean (Dipogon lignosus) I: Root
Auteur: A.K.M. Azad-ud-doula Prodhan
S.M. Abdul Bari
Verschenen in: Pakistan journal of biological sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2001) nr. 9 pagina's 1052-1056
Jaar: 2001
Inhoud: Anatomical investigation has been made on the root of lignosus bean (Dipogon lignosus (L.) Verdc.) at different stages of growth following the standard paraffin method of micro technique. The primary root is tetrarch with 4 strands each of xylem and phloem that alternate with one another. Metaxylem and metaphloem follow protoxylem and protophloem respectively in their courses of differentiation. The four opposite strands of primary xylem meet at the center. Subsequently, metaxylem forms near the center on either side of the xylem strands. The epidermis is single layered with large number of root hair and glandular trichomes. There are 6-12 layers of cortical cells beneath the epidermis. The adaxial layers (radially 4-6 cells) of the cortex around the stele are hyperchromatic in nature. The hyperchromaticity is higher in the cells abaxial to xylem poles. The cambium appears in the upper part of the root and extends towards the root apex. The sclerenchymatous band abaxial to phloem is discontinuous. The vessels are more or less round, oval or polygonal in shape with prominent secondary thickening. The phellogen appears in the cortex, 3-4 layers beneath the epidermis. It produces 3-5 layers of cork cells abaxially and 2-3 layers of phelloderm adaxially
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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