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  Bovine Liver Abscesses Pus and the Status of Some Important Minerals
Titel: Bovine Liver Abscesses Pus and the Status of Some Important Minerals
Auteur: G.A. Kojouri
H. Moshtaghi
S. Darabi
H.R. Baradaran
Verschenen in: Pakistan journal of biological sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 11 (2008) nr. 1 pagina's 145-147
Jaar: 2008
Inhoud: <p>This research was conducted to determine selenium, copper, zinc, iron, calcium, phosphorous and magnesium concentration in the pus of cow liver abscess. The liver has a large reserve of function and approximately three-quarters of its parenchyma must be rendered inactive before clinical signs of hepatic dysfunction appear. Local suppurative infections of the liver cause significant losses in feedlot and grain-fed cattle because of the frequency of rumenitis in those cattle leading to hepatic abscess formation. Also we know some minerals that can alter and uphold the specific immunity. At the presence of adequate amount of zinc, the formation of hepatic abscess may reduce. For this reason and to determine the mineral concentration in pus, the present study was designed on 40 slaughtered cattle with liver abscess in Shahrekord district. For measuring the minerals concentration, Potentiometric Stripping Analyzer (PSA), atomic absorption spectrometry were used. Results showed that the concentration of Se, Zn, Fe, Cu, Ca, P and Mg in pus were 0.551μ0.046 (mg kg-1), 6.41μ2.32 (mg kg-1), 18.18μ14.03 (mg kg-1), 6.63µ4.83 (mg kg-1), 221.8μ85.82 (mg kg-1), 0.85μ0.32 (g kg-1) and 40.64μ21.72 (mg kg-1), respectively. The concentration of mentioned minerals in liver parenchyma's were determined 1.06μ0.15 (mg kg-1), 82.91μ32.22 (mg kg-1), 62.29μ22.12 (mg kg-1), 39.22μ28.17 (mg kg-1), 0.12μ0.04 (g kg-1), 1.81μ0.56 (g kg-1) and 0.15μ0.07 (g kg-1), respectively. For determining the correlation between mineral concentration in pus and liver parenchyma, Pearson correlation was used at The level of p<0.05. The correlation between pus Fe and Cu and also Ca and Se were significantly positive (pvalue = 0.000228, r = +0.871) and negative (pvalue = 0.0305, r = -0.623), respectively. In liver parenchyma the correlation between Zn and Ca (pvalue = 0.0487, r = 0.535) and also Fe and Cu (pvalue = 0.0317, r = +0.596) were significantly positive.</p>
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 27 gevonden artikelen
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