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                                       Details van artikel 87 van 144 gevonden artikelen
  Methane production, consumption and its carbon isotope ratios in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer
Titel: Methane production, consumption and its carbon isotope ratios in the Southern Ocean during the austral summer
Auteur: N. Boontanon
S. Watanabe
T. Odate
N. Yoshida
Verschenen in: Biogeosciences discussions
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2010) nr. 5 pagina's 7207-7225
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: The distribution of dissolved CH4 in the Southern Ocean at 140° E was measured during the austral summer. Surface CH4 was supersaturated on average, and the calculated mean sea-air flux rate was 0.32 μmol m<sup>−2 d<sup>−1. The vertical distributions exhibited a CH4 maximum at approximately 125 m (ΔCH4, 2.94 nM) below the chlorophyll-rich layer, suggesting a relationship between CH4 production and plankton dynamics in this area. CH4 oxidation and ocean movement characteristics in the deep layer led to the enrichment and fluctuation of δ<sup>13CCH4. We estimated the influence of Southern Ocean CH4, a source of isotopically heavy CH4 to the atmosphere, on the global CH4 budget to be approximately 0.19 Gg d<sup>−1.
Uitgever: Copernicus GmbH (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 87 van 144 gevonden artikelen
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