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  Effect of Different Processing Methods, on Nutrient Composition, Antinutrional Factors, and in vitro Protein Digestibility of Dolichos Lablab Bean [Lablab purpuresus (L) Sweet]
Titel: Effect of Different Processing Methods, on Nutrient Composition, Antinutrional Factors, and in vitro Protein Digestibility of Dolichos Lablab Bean [Lablab purpuresus (L) Sweet]
Auteur: Magdi A. Osman
Verschenen in: Pakistan journal of nutrition
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 299-303
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: The effect of different traditional processing methods, soaking, cooking roasting, autoclaving and germination on the nutrient composition antinutritional factor, and in-vitro digestibility in Dolichos lablab seeds were investigated. Germination significantly increased the protein and moisture content, whereas roasting and autoclaving decreased their contents. Crude lipid content, was significantly reduced by various processing. Ash content varied significantly between raw and processed samples. The trypsin inhibitor activity and phytic acid content significantly decreased by different process methods, while the amounts of tannins significantly decreased. The cooking of presoaked seed appeared to be the most effective method for reducing trypsin inhibitor activity. The reduction in content of phytic acid was found to be somewhat greater in roasted sample compared to others. Germination significantly increased tannins content compared to the other traditional methods. Germination was the most effective in improving protein digestibility when compared to soaking and cooking.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 35 van 172 gevonden artikelen
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