Comparative study of rooting of leaf-bud and straight softwood elm cuttings
Comparative study of rooting of leaf-bud and straight softwood elm cuttings
Grbić Mihailo
Verschenen in:
Glasnik Å umarskog Fakulteta
Jaargang 2003 (2003) nr. 88 pagina's 55-63
Parallel propagation tests of nine elm taxa - 6 species (Ulmus americana L., U. chenmoui Cheng, U. japonica (R) Sarg., U. laciniata (Tr) Mayr, U. laevis Pall. and U. parvifolia Jacq), 2 clones (U. 'Regal', U. 'Sapporo Autumn Gold') and 1 hybrid (U. pumila x japonica), by leaf bud cuttings and standard straignt softwood showed the results which point to the possibility of wider application of leaf bud cuttings. In some elm taxa, leaf bud cuttings can be the main method of propagation, and it can be used as an additional method in other taxa, because the seasonal timing is extended compared to standard cuttings.