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  Characteristics of substrates used for nursery production of Austrian pine and Scots pine
Title: Characteristics of substrates used for nursery production of Austrian pine and Scots pine
Author: Vratuša Vesna
Anastasijević Nebojša
Appeared in: Glasnik Šumarskog Fakulteta
Paging: Volume 2002 (2002) nr. 86 pages 93-101
Year: 2002
Contents: This paper discusses research results concerning properties of substrates used for nursery production of Austrian pine (Pinus nigra Arn) and Scots pine (Pinus silvestris L) in the experimental field of the Faculty of Forestry in Belgrade There is no doubt that peat is the most favorable substrate for successful massive nursery production of various woody species. Favorable physical, chemical and biochemical properties guarantee nursery production success, on condition that all technical and technological procedures, characteristic for this production, are recognized. Certain shortcomings that may occur with different kinds of peat (inadequate air capacity, nutrient deficiency, excessive acidity, etc) may relatively easily be overcome with appropriate materials and procedures. Nevertheless, the main shortcoming of this most widely used nursery substrate, especially when the countries with economies in transition are concerned, is its high price. In order to overcome this problem, it is necessary to use domestic resources for creating a substrate of approximately the same characteristics, but much lower price Research results regarding the substrate – mixture "Goč 1" show that this substrate, comprising 30% silica sand, 20% earthworm manure, and 50% bark humus, is characterised by all necessary starting prerequisites for fulfilling the cited functions. This material represents loamy sand of almost neutral reaction (pHH2O=6.9, pHCaCl2=6.40), and even though its CEC is relatively modest (33.08 cmol(+) x kg–1), it is extremely well supplied with bases (V=94.32%). Also, "Goč 1" is rich in humus (8.94%), with relatively high content of total N (0.47%), and favorable C:N ratio (11.0). It is extremely well supplied with available phosphorus and potassium (>50 cmol(+) x kg–1). Further research regarding stability of this artificial substrate and alterations of its physical, chemical, and biochemical properties in the course of exploitation, together with monitoring the growth and development of Austrian and Scots pine seedlings, will show if the composed mixture "Goč 1" is of good enough quality to successfully replace peat in massive nursery production of Pinus nigra Arn., and Pinus silvestris L. in the future.
Publisher: Faculty of Forestry (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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