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                                       Details for article 178 of 185 found articles
  Structure and production of Conocarpus erectus L. at the Ramsar Site “Manglares y Humedales de Tuxpan”, Veracruz, Mexico
Title: Structure and production of Conocarpus erectus L. at the Ramsar Site “Manglares y Humedales de Tuxpan”, Veracruz, Mexico
Author: Agustín de Jesús BASAÑEZ MUÑOZ
Miguel Angel CRUZ LUCAS
Appeared in: Revista científica UDO agrícola
Paging: Volume 8 (2008) nr. 1 pages 78-87
Year: 2008
Contents: Conocarpus erectus L. is rarely reported specie in Mexico and its role in the mangrove ecosystem is not understood. In order to describe its ecological role within the community, it is necessary to learn about its attributes as species. The main objective of this study was to determine the distribution patterns, structural attributes, and functions of this species in the Ramsar Site No. 1602 “Manglares y Humedales de Tuxpan”. Sampling took place from September 2005 to December 2006. For each site (Laguna de Tampamachoco y Estero de Jácome) a description of the distribution pattern of the mangrove species, the structural attributes (height, diameter at breast height, and basal area), and the productivity attributes (fallen leaves, flower, and miscellaneous) for Conocarpus erectus L. was made. A one way analysis of variance was carried out to determine if there were significant differences among the structural parameters, and the production. The distribution pattern shows this species is placed far away from the mangrove forest, in areas with no influence from the tides, and at the edge of the Jacome estuary and the Tampamachoco lagoon. We found 190 individuals with an average height of 3.1m (sd. 1.35), a 8.2 cm (DBH) (sd. 5.1), and a basal area of 0.598 m2/ha. The production was composed mainly by leaves (14.82 g/ m2/month). There were significant differences among sampling sites for height, DBH, basal area and productivity. This shows the heterogeneity of this species at the Ramsar site and may have implications regarding the role this species can play whithing the mangrove community.
Publisher: Universidad de Oriente Press (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 178 of 185 found articles
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