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Auteur: Ljiljanka Tomerlin
Verschenen in: Poljoprivreda
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2003) nr. 2 pagina's 45-51
Jaar: 2003
Inhoud: This paper deals with production of ethyl alcohol (biofuel) from corn stover acid hydrolysate by yeasts, respectively at Pichia stipitis y-7124 and Pachysolen tannophilus y-2460 and Candida shehatae y-12856. Since moist corn stover (Hybryds 619) is proving to decomposition by phyllospheric microflora. It was (conserved) spattered individually by microbicids: Busan-90, Izosan-G and formalin. In form of prismatic bales, it was left in the open air during 6 months (Octobar - March). At the beginning and after 6 months the microbiological control was carried out. The only one unspattered (control) and three stover corn bals being individually spattered by microbicids were fragmented and cooked with sulfur acid. The obtained four acid hydrolysates are complex substratums, containing, apart from the sugars (about 11 g dm-3 pentosa and about 5.4 g dm-3 hexose), decomposite components as lignin, caramel sugars and uronic acids. By controlling the activity of the mentioned yeasts it was confirmed that yeasts Pichia stipitis y-7124 obtained best capability of ethyl alcohol production from corn stover acid hydrolysate at 0.23 vol. % to 0.49 vol. %.
Uitgever: Faculty of Agriculture in Osijek (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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