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  Aggregate composition and stability of structural aggregates of non-calcareous rendzinas in Eastern Serbia
Titel: Aggregate composition and stability of structural aggregates of non-calcareous rendzinas in Eastern Serbia
Auteur: Gajić Boško
Živković Miodrag
Verschenen in: Journal of agricultural sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 51 (2006) nr. 2 pagina's 141-150
Jaar: 2006
Inhoud: The present study includes the results of comparative investigations of aggregate composition and water stability of structural aggregates in humus horizons of non-calcareous rendzina under native forest and pasture vegetations and the same rendzina utilized long-term as arable field. The results show that aggregate composition and water stability of structural aggregates in the cultivated non-calcareous rendzina are significantly impaired due to a long-term anthropogenization. In the cultivated rendzinas the content of agronomically most valuable aggregates (0.25-10 mm) significantly decreased, while the percentage of cloddy aggregates (>10 mm) was increased about 1.5 to 3.5 times in comparison with the rendzina under pasture and forest vegetations. The structure coefficient of cultivated soils was lower (2.61) than in forest (4.63) and pasture (10.47) rendzinas. The cultivated non-calcareous rendzina had lower (59.12%) aggregate water stability than rendzina under pasture (82.66%) and forest (91.92%). Mean weight diameters of water stable agregates was higher in forest (1.44 mm) and pasture (1.20 mm) than in cultivated (0.65 mm) rendzina.
Uitgever: Faculty of Agriculture (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 87 gevonden artikelen
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