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                                       Details van artikel 38 van 160 gevonden artikelen
  A Survey on Injuries in Kerman Residents 2005
Titel: A Survey on Injuries in Kerman Residents 2005
Auteur: A.R. Saied
N. Nakhaee
M. Shafiyi
Verschenen in: Journal of applied sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 7 (2007) nr. 18 pagina's 2676-2680
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: This study was conducted to determine the profile of injuries in Kerman citizens. In this population-based cross-sectional survey a total of 845 households in Kerman, Iran were selected for inclusion in the study using cluster sampling from March through June, 2006. Ten skillful and interested interviewers made interview with 845 families based on cluster sampling method in the city of Kerman and filled a standard questionnaire based on World Health Organization (WHO) guidelines. In total 3324 individuals were enrolled in the study, including 1652 females and 1672 males. Forty eight injuries were found (CI 95%: 1.1-1.9%), the most common of which was wounding (12 cases) and the least common was head injury (2 cases). The most common place of injury occurance were the street and the roads (22 cases) and then the house (18 cases) and the most common mechanism of injury was a fall (7 cases) and then motor vehicle accident (5 cases). Five of the injuries were intentioenal: one self-induced and the other 4 were aimed upon others. The most commonly involved motor-vehicle was motorcycle (6 cases). The most common reported disability was limitation of activity. In 3 cases the victim had lost his job, in 5 cases had been forced to borrow money and in 2 cases had sold his property on pressure. Although the figures resulting from present study are low in comparison to their global counterparts, indicate the necessity of paying attention to this social problem and performing larger studies.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information, Pakistan (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 38 van 160 gevonden artikelen
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