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                                       Details van artikel 49 van 80 gevonden artikelen
  Managing Knowledge within the Small and Midsized Companies
Titel: Managing Knowledge within the Small and Midsized Companies
Auteur: Vasile AVRAM
Verschenen in: Informatica economica
Paginering: Jaargang XI (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 33-36
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: In the post decade the business environment was altered with direct impact to the way business organized and managed. The ability to capture and harness corporate knowledge has become critical for firms as they seek to adapt to changes in the business environment. Business rules management systems [BRMS] allows separating out the business logic and changing rules without impacting the remainder of the application, offering in that way a solution to faster adapt the informatic systems to changes. BRMS adds decision capabilities to application and workflow-type processes. Generally, small to midsized business budgets don’t allow for rip-and-replace approach and the software licensing can be prohibitive and restrictive too, leaving to that few options for complete information management. This paper introduces business rules, business rules management system together with a cheaper solution that can be used by almost small and midsized companies to manage their knowledge and support the decision making process.
Uitgever: Inforec Association (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 49 van 80 gevonden artikelen
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