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  Antidepressant, Myorelaxant and Anti-Anxiety-Like Effects of Nauclea latifolia Smith (Rubiaceae) Roots Extract in Murine Models
Titel: Antidepressant, Myorelaxant and Anti-Anxiety-Like Effects of Nauclea latifolia Smith (Rubiaceae) Roots Extract in Murine Models
Auteur: G.S. Taiwe
E. Ngo Bum
T. Dimo
E. Talla
N. Weiss
A. Dawe
F.C.O. Moto
N. Sidiki
P.D. Dzeufiet
M. De Waard
Verschenen in: International journal of pharmacology
Paginering: Jaargang 6 (2010) nr. 4 pagina's 364-371
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: The neuropharmacological effects of the decoction of Nauclea latifolia Smith (Rubiaceae) roots were studied in mice. Different experimental models (forced swimming test, horizontal wire test and hole-board test) were used for detecting antidepressant, myorelaxant and anxiolytic properties. The results revealed that Nauclea latifolia induced a reduction of immobility, in a similar way to that of fluoxetine, along with a significant increase in the percentage of spent time in swimming behavior. Nauclea latifolia displayed a myorelaxant activity in the horizontal wire test. In the hole-board test, Nauclea latifolia significantly increased the number and duration of head-dips. In addition, anxiolytic-like properties of Nauclea latifolia were blocked by anxiogenic agents as examined in the hole-board test. This was the case for N-methyl-?-carboline-3-carboxamide (FG7142), a partial inverse agonist at the benzodiazepine site of the GABAA receptor complex, flumazenil (RO151788), a central benzodiazepine receptor antagonist and bicuculline, a light-sensitive competitive antagonist of GABAA receptors. These results suggest that Nauclea latifolia roots decoction possess antidepressant, myorelaxant and anti-anxiety-like properties in the models employed. The extracts might potentially act by GABAergic activation and/or by modulating the serotoninergic levels in the central nervous system. However, further studies were still required.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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