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                                       Details van artikel 9 van 24 gevonden artikelen
  Enzymatic and Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant Activities of Enicostemma littorale in p-DAB Induced Hepatocarcinoma in Rats
Titel: Enzymatic and Non-Enzymatic Antioxidant Activities of Enicostemma littorale in p-DAB Induced Hepatocarcinoma in Rats
Auteur: Ramamourthy Gopal
Rajangam Udayakumar
Verschenen in: International journal of pharmacology
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2008) nr. 5 pagina's 369-375
Jaar: 2008
Inhoud: The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of Enicostemma littorale (Gentianaceae) aerial part on antioxidant defense systems of plasma and liver in p-Dimethylaminoazobenzene (p-DAB)-induced hepatocarcinoma in rats. The levels of vitamin-E and vitamin-C were estimated in plasma of control and experimental groups of rats. The levels of reduced glutathione, glutathione-S-transferase and activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase and lipid peroxides were assayed in liver tissue of control and experimental groups of rats. Administration of p-DAB exhibited a significant increase in the levels of liver lipid peroxides, liver weight and a concomitant decrease in the levels of vitamin-E, vitamin-C in hepatocarcinoma rats. Thus, there was an alteration in the antioxidant enzyme system of hepatocarcinoma rats. These alterations were reverted back to near normal level after the treatment with Enicostemma littorale extract and vitamin-E. Histopathological studies also revealed that the protective effect of Enicostemma littorale on liver cells.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 9 van 24 gevonden artikelen
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