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  SPECIAL ISSUE: The Pink Revolution in Iran and the Left (booklet)
Titel: SPECIAL ISSUE: The Pink Revolution in Iran and the Left (booklet)
Auteur: Takis Fotopoulos
Verschenen in: International journal of inclusive democracy
Paginering: Jaargang 5 (2009) nr. 3 pagina's 1
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: Introduction. | Chapter 1. The culmination of the campaign for regime change in Iran. | The build-up of the campaign for regime change. | The present pink revolution in Iran. | Chapter 2. The dual conflict in Iran. | The old conflict between Islamists and bourgeois modernizers. | The new "internal" conflict between revolution fundamentalists and reformers. | Chapter 3. The 2009 elections. | The two sides in the June 2009 elections. | The "unholy alliance" of reformers and bourgeois modernizers. | Chapter 4. The aims of the transnational elite. | Why regime change NOW? | A "Yugoslavian" kind of strategy for Iran? | Chapter 5. The reformist Left plays its usual role of the system’s cheerleader. | The role of the "Left" in the New World Order. | Zizek and Chomsky on Iran. | The sort of "alternative" information provided by Znet. | Conclusion.
Uitgever: The International Network for Inclusive Democracy (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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