Intervalos de confianza para las puntuaciones verda5deras. Explicitación de sus supuestos
Intervalos de confianza para las puntuaciones verda5deras. Explicitación de sus supuestos
Attorresi H.F Aguerri María Ester Lozzia Gabriela Susana Galibert M.S.
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Jaargang 21 (2004) nr. 1 pagina's 29-51
The classical test theory was developed by starting with the linear model to which certain assumptions are added to allow the deduction of its fundamental properties. Since one of the measurement objectives is to estimate the individuals’ true scores, the different inferential techniques for the true scores based on the observed ones, result of interest. Depending on the technique chosen, it will be necessary to add assumptions about the distribution of the classical linear model components. In the psychometric literature, two types of intervals are usually seen: one type is based on the measurement error ε; and the other, on the error of estimation obtained from the prediction of true scores are predicted from a regression equation on the observed ones. Both types of intervals are set down on two models, each one with its own assumptions, and the models should be differentiated. In general, the authors do not state the assumptions clearly or, at times, they do not show how the assumptions are involved in
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