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  Comparative Effect of the Guided Discovery(GD) and Concept mapping Teaching Strategies on Senior Secondary School Students(SSSS) Chemistry Achievement in Nigeria
Titel: Comparative Effect of the Guided Discovery(GD) and Concept mapping Teaching Strategies on Senior Secondary School Students(SSSS) Chemistry Achievement in Nigeria
Auteur: Oloyede Olufunlayo Ikedolapo
Adeoye Femi Adetunji
Verschenen in: Eurasian journal of physics and chemistry education
Paginering: Jaargang 1 (2009) nr. 2 pagina's 86-92
Jaar: 2009
Inhoud: The study compared the relative effectiveness of the guided discovery and concept mapping teaching strategies in relation to students’ performance in chemistry. A total of 360 SSS chemistry students who have registered for SSCE drawn from 4 secondary schools in Bauchi Local Government Area formed the sample for the study. A 40-item Chemistry Teacher Made Achievement Test (CMAT) with characteristics (0.35≤+≤0.72; 0.21≤d≤1.00 and KR 20 = 0.86) was administered on the students to generate data for analysis. The test items span all the intellectual levels of the cognitive domain. There were (retention) treatments. A t-test statistic was used to analyse the data obtained. The results indicated that there is no significant difference in he mean scores of he students due to the method post -post test (retention) treatments. There was also no significant difference due to gender when the mean scores of the students in each of the methods adopted were compared on the post-post test (retention) treatment.
Uitgever: Moment Publications (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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