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  Demographic Characteristicts Of Our Patients With Breast Cancer In Diyarbakir And Surrounding
Titel: Demographic Characteristicts Of Our Patients With Breast Cancer In Diyarbakir And Surrounding
Auteur: Abdurrahman Işıkdoğan
S.Burhanedtin Zincircioğlu
Ahmet Dirier
Metin Çelik
Orhan Ayyıldız
Verschenen in: Dicle medical journal
Paginering: Jaargang 30 (2003) nr. 1-4 pagina's 8-10
Jaar: 2003
Inhoud: Demographic properties of 115 patients with breast cancer, followed beetwen September 2001-December 2002, were evaluated according to theirs’ clinical and pathological features. Patients were classified regard to age, gender, stage (operabl vs metastatic breast cancer), pathologic features (histologic subtype, grade, size, hormon receptor status, lymph node status), type of treatment, surgical procedure, and site of metastasis. Of them 112 were female, and 3 male, madian age was 37 years. Of them 52% were operabl and 40% were metastatic breast cancer, whereas 8% were locally advanced breast cancer. Histologically; invasive ductal carsinoma, Medullary carsinoma, and tubulolobular carsinoma were found in 85%, 4.8%, and 3.6% of cases, respectivelly. Estrogen receptor (ER) were known in 41% of patients and progesteron receptor (PR) status in 39% of patients. In early breast cancer, modified radically mastectomy, lumpectomy, and simple mastectomy were done in 77%, 21% of patients and 1 patient, respectively. In metastatic breast cancer; site of metastasis were found to be bone, locally and regionally, liver, lung and pleura, and brain. Patients with metastatic breast cancer had recieved paliative radiation therapy (41%), only hormonal therapy (11%) and chemotherapy with or without of hormonal therapy ( 89%).
Uitgever: Dicle University Medical School (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 18 gevonden artikelen
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