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  The prevalance of patients according to angle classifıcation that came to our our clinic with orthodontic treatment needs(a retrospective study)
Titel: The prevalance of patients according to angle classifıcation that came to our our clinic with orthodontic treatment needs(a retrospective study)
Auteur: Seher Gündüz Arslan
Osman Darı
Mehtap Herdem Atay
Verschenen in: Dicle medical journal
Paginering: Jaargang 30 (2003) nr. 1-4 pagina's 31-35
Jaar: 2003
Inhoud: The aim of this study is, to classify the patients according to Angle classification that came to our clinic with orthodontic treatment needs.Our study consists of patients that came to our clinic between 13.04.1999 and 21.04.2003. Their ages are between 7 and 25. 1310 male and 987 female totally 2297 patients were classified into three groups which were Class I, Class II and Class III according to Angle classification. Among 2297 individuals that were taken into consideration 1100 individual were Class I, 887 individual were Class II and 310 individual were Class III. Subgroups of these individuals were classified according to their ages and sexes.In this respective study which comprise our regional individuals have shown that Angle Class I discrepancy were find more than the other anomalies. According to sex Angle Calss I anomalies were find 11-15 years old womens more than the other ages.
Uitgever: Dicle University Medical School (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 17 van 18 gevonden artikelen
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