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  Preemptive Analgesic Effects Of Caudal Block In Paediatrıc Patients Undergoing Orthopaedic Surgey
Titel: Preemptive Analgesic Effects Of Caudal Block In Paediatrıc Patients Undergoing Orthopaedic Surgey
Auteur: Alper Kararmaz
Sedat Kaya
Haktan Karaman
Selim Turhanoğlu
M. Ali Özyılmaz
Verschenen in: Dicle medical journal
Paginering: Jaargang 30 (2003) nr. 1-4 pagina's 70-74
Jaar: 2003
Inhoud: We examined preemptive analgesic effect of caudal block in patients undergoing orthopaedic hip or lower extremities surgery.Forty children between ages of 1-12 years whom orthopaedics hip and or lower extremities surgery would be applied to were included into study. Fifteen minutes before surgical incision, in Group I, 0.125% bupivacaine 0.5 ml/kg was given for caudal anaesthesia. In Group II, caudal block was postoperatively applied with the same dose of drug. During postoperative period, patients were followed for 48 hours, and OPS “objective pain scale”, time to demand of first analgesic, and total analgesic consumption were recorded. In Group II, OPS score and total analgesic consumption were higher in initial 8 hours (P<0.05, P<0.001). Duration of first analgesic application was longer in Group I (P<0.001).We concluded that preoperative caudal block has preemptive analgesic effect in children undergoing orthopaedic surgery.
Uitgever: Dicle University Medical School (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 10 van 18 gevonden artikelen
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