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  Association among the study area and the knowledge and practices regarding the transmition
Titel: Association among the study area and the knowledge and practices regarding the transmition
Auteur: Vera Lina María
López Nahyr
Ariza Nelsy Dayana
Díaz Luz Mary
Flórez Yaneth
Franco Sahira Gimena
Isaza Socorro
Marciales Diana Patricia
Rueda Juliana
Torres Laura Juliana
Verschenen in: Colombia médica
Paginering: Jaargang 35 (2004) nr. 2 pagina's 62-68
Jaar: 2004
Inhoud: Context: HIV/AIDS is a pandemic. The present statistics showed that the youths between 15 and 24 years old are the more vulnerable population. In Colombia, 7,497 youths among 10 and 30 years old live with HIV/AIDS. Objective: Determine the association between the study area and the knowledge and behaviours in relation to the transmission of HIV/AIDS in the students of the Universidad Industrial de Santander. Methodology: Cross-sectional population survey. Stratified sampling. Survey about knowledge and behaviours related with the transmission of HIV/AIDS in 213 students of the following study areas: health, basics sciences, engineering and humanities.The statistic analysis applied logistic regression. Results: 101 women and 112 men were studied. Mean age was 22 years. 13.2% of health, 27.2% of basics sciences, 30.0% of engineering and 29.6% of humanities. Most of them know the way of transmission of HIV, 19% doesn’t consider that to have sexual relations down the effect of alcohol is a risk practice for acquired it; 96% know that the condom must be used during all time of the sexual relation; 79.8% had sexual relations but only 26.4% of them said use always the condom. Health’s students obtained a mean of correct answers significantly higher than the means of the others students. The association between behaviours and study area reported that the humanities’ students had a risk significantly higher of have inappropriate behaviour in relation to the transmission of HIV than the health’s students. Conclusions: Although this population has adequate knowledge about the disease, it presents behaviours of risk to acquire HIV infection. The students of humanities area must be objects of a program to prevent HIV infection, this program must be oriented to their specific characteristics.
Uitgever: Corporación Editora Médica del Valle (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 2 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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