Fire risk map for the Serra de São Domingos Municipal park, Poços de caldas, MG
Fire risk map for the Serra de São Domingos Municipal park, Poços de caldas, MG
Henrique Nery Cipriani José Aldo Alves Pereira Rossi Allan Silva Sávio Gouvêa de Freitas Luciano Teixeira de Oliveira
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Jaargang 17 (2011) nr. 1 pagina's 77-83
This study constructed a fire risk map for the Serra de São Domingos Municipal Park (SSDMP), southern Minas Gerais Sate, Brazil, which harbors Atlantic Forest remnants and endangered species. Geo-processing techniques were used for producing a preliminary risk map for altimetry (a), land slope (e), slope orientation (d), land-use/cover (u) and influence of roads and buildings (i). After, the risk maps were overlaid to produce a structural fire index (SFI)-based risk map for the Park. The SFI was calculated by using the formula SFI = 0,35i + 0,30u + 0,15d + 0,10a + 0,10e. The risks classes were classified as low (0.0-0.9), moderate (1.0-1.9), high (2.0-2.9), very high (3.0-3.9) and extreme (4.0-5.0). All data were processed with 2.5 m base spatial resolution by using the ArcView GIS. According to the SFI calculated, the SSMP area can be divided into the following fire risk zones: Low (0.93%), Moderate (61.77%), High (31.32%), Very High (4.79%) and Extreme (1.19%). The main risk factor is due to the influence of roads and buildings and most fires start due to anthropogenic causes. The low and moderate risk classes comprehend most of the rainforest area. Clearings and grasslands fit mainly the High risk class. The most vulnerable area of SSDMP was the Northern area bordering pasture, crops and eucalypt fields. The SFI map can be a valuable tool for elaborating a fire prevention plan in a small conservation unit when few climate and fire occurrence data are available.