Morfologia de frutos, sementes e desenvolvimento pós-seminal de cabelo-de-negro - Connarus suberosus Planch. (Connaraceae)
Morfologia de frutos, sementes e desenvolvimento pós-seminal de cabelo-de-negro - Connarus suberosus Planch. (Connaraceae)
Miele Tallon Matheus Márcia Bacelar Sérgio André de Souza Oliveira José Carlos Lopes
Verschenen in:
Jaargang 15 (2009) nr. 4 pagina's 407-412
This study describe and illustrate the morphological aspects of cabelo-de-negro (Connarus suberosus Planch.) fruits, seeds and post-seminal development. The fruits were characterized externally, the seeds internally and externally, and the germination and initial development of the seedlings were also analyzed and described. A stereoscope microscope was used for the observations whereas the measurements were made with a pachimeter. Fruits are ovoid and dehiscent follicles, of ferruginous-yellow color, containing one or two seeds. The seed has a reniform shape, showing dark coat and a circular hilum, which is recovered by the yellow-orange arilum. Seeds have axial and invaginated embryo, with green cotyledons that show various specks of ferruginous-reddish pigmentation, and a short, straight and cylindrical hypocotil-radicle axis. Seed germination was hypogeous and criptocotylar. The primary root emerges after 3 to 10 days, followed by the emergence of the protophyll, which occurs from around 10 to 20 days after sowing.