Germination and growth of Magonia pubescens A. ST.-HIL seedlings
Germination and growth of Magonia pubescens A. ST.-HIL seedlings
Ani Cátia Giotto Fábio dos Santos Miranda Cássia Beatriz Rodrigues Munhoz
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Jaargang 15 (2009) nr. 1 pagina's 49-57
This study aimed to analyze the germination, growth and development of Magonia pubescens A. St.-Hil. (tinguí ortimbó), a typical species of the deciduous forest. The germination of seeds of four matrices was evaluated at different treatments: directsowing in greenhouse (50% of shade), direct sowing under full sunlight and moistened paper at laboratory condition and underfluorescent light with photoperiod of 12 hours in ambient temperature. The germinated seeds under laboratory conditions weretransplanted to polyethylene bags with soil under full sunlight and 50% of shade. The variables evaluated were: time of the first andlast germination, germinability; average time and the rates of speed of germination index. In addition there were evaluated the seedlingheight, stem base diameter, number of leaf and leaflets were monitored at 30, 60, 90 and 120 days. The species presented highgerminability at laboratory conditions (G> 90%) and under full sunlight (96%>G>56%), however, the germinability in 50% shadepresented inferior result (G< 36%). The highest average values of seedling height (78.52 ±19.90mm) were obtained with 50% ofshade treatement. The diameters presented no significant statistical differences among treatments (highest diameter of 3.35mm;p>0.05). The leaf and leaflets number varied among treatments, with highest average for seedling under full sunlight. Suggesting thatMagonia pubescens A. St.-Hil. is a useful species for rehabilitation of degraded areas.
Universidade Federal de Lavras - UFLA (provided by DOAJ)