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                                       Details van artikel 8 van 11 gevonden artikelen
  Plantas medicinales de cuatro mercados del estado de Puebla, México
Titel: Plantas medicinales de cuatro mercados del estado de Puebla, México
Auteur: David Martínez Moreno
Francisco Basurto Peña
Myrna Mendoza Cruz
Roberto Alvarado Flores
Verschenen in: Boletin de la Sociedad Botanica de México
Paginering: Jaargang 2006 (2006) nr. 79 pagina's 79-87
Jaar: 2006
Inhoud: An inventory of medicinal plants sold in four markets of Puebla State is reported. The markets were visited monthly during a period of six months (January - June 2000). The information was obtained by conducting open interviews with the merchants in each market, asking for the plant¿s name, use, useful parts, way of preparation and procedence. Botanical collections were made and vouchers were deposited at the National Herbarium of Mexico (MEXU). Sixty-two species and 31 families of medicinal plants were recorded. From these species, 50% had not been previously reported in studies of medicinal plants from markets of Puebla State. The uses of these plants for the treatment of different diseases are discussed by organ and organic system. Almost all species were present throughout the study period, but a few ones, such as alampepe, berro and gobernadora, were found only once.
Uitgever: Sociedad Botánica de México, A.C (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 8 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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