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  Effects of Natural Landscape Features on the Rural Settlements: The Case Study of Bartin
Titel: Effects of Natural Landscape Features on the Rural Settlements: The Case Study of Bartin
Auteur: Bülent YILMAZ, Gonca ATİK
Verschenen in: Bartin Orman Fakültesi dergisi
Paginering: Jaargang 8 (2006) nr. 10 pagina's 1-9
Jaar: 2006
Inhoud: Natural features of a land play an important role on lands development and organization. Unconscious and unplanned development of settlements which are arisen without taking into consideration of the natural features of the land harms the ecologic balance by hindering sustainability of natural resources. According to this, inadequate living conditions for human comfort have been arisen.In this study, factors that are related to natural landscape have been analyzed based on the interaction between 83 rural settlement areas in the city of Bartin and 14 in the district of Arit. For this aim, natural structure features of study area have been mapped using the GIS (Geographic Information Systems) tool, Arc View 3.2 software and acquired data has been compared with rural settlement areas. To sum up, the importance of natural landscape features for the needs of settlements with the balance of their environs has been resulted.
Uitgever: University of Bartin (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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