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  Cefepime Monotherapy is as Effective as Ceftriaxone Plus Amikacin in Pediatric Patients with Cancer and High-Risk Febrile Neutropenia: A Randomized Comparison
Titel: Cefepime Monotherapy is as Effective as Ceftriaxone Plus Amikacin in Pediatric Patients with Cancer and High-Risk Febrile Neutropenia: A Randomized Comparison
Auteur: Carlos Alberto Pires Pereira
Antonio Sérgio Petrilli
Fabianne Altruda Carlesse
Flávio Augusto Vercillo Luisi
Kátia Verônica Torres Barros da Silva
Maria Lúcia de Martino Lee
Verschenen in: American journal of infectious diseases
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2008) nr. 4 pagina's 237-243
Jaar: 2008
Inhoud: The empirical use of antibiotic therapies is widely accepted in patients with fever and neutropenia during cancer chemotherapy. The use of intravenous monotherapy with broad-spectrum antibiotics in patients with high-risk of complications is an appropriate alternative. However, few data are available in pediatric patients. We conducted a prospective, randomized, open study in patientswith lymphoma or leukemia who had fever and neutropenia during chemotherapy. Patients were randomized to receive cefepime (CFP) or ceftriaxone plus amikacin (CFT+AK). A total of 57 patientswith 125 episodes of fever and neutropenia were evaluated (CFP, 62 and CFT + AK, 63 episodes). The mean neutrophil count at admission was 118.6 cells mm-3 (CFP) and 107 cells mm-3 (CFT+AK). The mean duration of neutropenia was 9.0 days (CFP) and 8.0 days (CFT+AK). Analyzing only the first episodes of each patient, CFP treatment was successful in 65.5% of the episodes and CFT+AK were successful in 64.3%. Overall rates of success with modification were 90% (CFP) and 89% (CFT+AK). No major treatment-emergent toxicity was reported. Monotherapy with CFP seems to be as effective and safe as the combination of CFT+AK for initial empirical therapy in children and adolescents with NF.
Uitgever: Science Publications (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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