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  Efficacy of Olive Leaf Extract in the Treatment of Minor Oral Aphthous Ulcers
Titel: Efficacy of Olive Leaf Extract in the Treatment of Minor Oral Aphthous Ulcers
Auteur: Zahra Atai
Mehdi Ansari
Narjes Torabi
Verschenen in: American journal of infectious diseases
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (2007) nr. 1 pagina's 24-26
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: This research is a double blinded clinical study that tries to assay the thrapeutical effects of olive leaf extract on the oral minor aphthous ulcers in comparison with dexametasone mouth wash. The statistical society of the study was 80 patients which were equally divided into 2 groups. One group received olive leaf extract and the other group received dexametasone mouth wash (elixir 0.1%). The diameter of ulcers measured by periodontal prob(Williams) and the amount of pain determined by visual scale analysis. The data were collected on the first, third and fifth day after beginning of thetreatment. The result showed that there is no significant difference between two groups based on size and pain reduction (p>0.05). The results were statistically analyzed by Greenhouse Geisser Test and Qsquare (p<0.05). The project was also approved by ethic committee of Kerman University of Medical Sciences (No.10/61/10241).
Uitgever: Science Publications (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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