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  Effect of Soaking and Roasting Dehulling Methods of Soybean on <I>Bacillus</I> Fermentation of Soy-Daddawa
Titel: Effect of Soaking and Roasting Dehulling Methods of Soybean on <I>Bacillus</I> Fermentation of Soy-Daddawa
Auteur: B.O. Omafuvbe
E.O. Esosuakpo
T.S. Oladejo
A.A. Toye
Verschenen in: American journal of food technology
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 257-264
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: Soy-daddawa was prepared by fermenting soaked dehulled and roasted dehulled soybeans by a starter culture of <I>Bacillus subtilis</I> SDA3 (isolated previously from traditional fermented soy-daddawa) for 72 h. The viable cell counts of <I>B. subtilis</I>; accompanying biochemical changes as well as the products were evaluated. The viable cell count increased from an initial value of 10<SUP>4</SUP> to 10<SUP>9</SUP> cfu/g wet wt. at the end of fermentation. The pH of the fermentation of soybeans dehulled by the two methods rose from 6.7 to 8.4 with a concomitant increase in proteolytic activity, free amino acids and ammonia concentration. Alpha amylase and beta fructofuranosidase activities exhibited a rapid increase in activity in the first 24 h. Reducing sugars increased in the first 24 h and dropped in the fermentations of soaked dehulled and roasted dehulled soybeans. Soybean dehulled by the two methods showed similar biochemical and viable cell count profile during fermentation with <I>B. subtilis</I> SDA3. The two types of soy-daddawa differ significantly (p<0.05) in color, texture and general acceptability while there was no significant difference in aroma, stickiness and taste. In all the organoleptic attributes scored, there was preference for soy-daddawa produced from roasted dehulled soybean.
Uitgever: Academic Journals Inc., USA (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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