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  Effects of Steam Conditioning and Extrusion Temperature on Some Anti-nutritional
Titel: Effects of Steam Conditioning and Extrusion Temperature on Some Anti-nutritional
Auteur: Purushotham
Radhakrishna, P.M
Sherigara, B.S
Verschenen in: American journal of animal and veterinary sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 2 (2007) nr. 1 pagina's 1-5
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: Extrusion processing of vegetable ingredients such as soyabean (Glycine max)characteristically depends on associating process conditions that influence the product qualities. Theprocess parameters were optimized for extrusion of steam-conditioned material in order to obtain themaximum nutritive value by inactivating the anti-nutritional factors such as urease, trypsin inhibitorsand lipase. The processing conditions such as moisture content, temperature and time were preciselycontrolled to avoid over heating or under heating which otherwise would result in a product of lowernutritional quality. The urease activity and Trypsin inhibitors were measured in steam conditionedextruded soyabean material and test results indicated that urease activity units and trypsin inhibitoryunits were reduced from 2.0 and 50 to 0.3 and 5 respectively in extruded soyabean during the extrusionprocess. These results were used for comparative evaluation of ‘inactivation levels of anti-nutritionalfactors’ for optimizing the processing conditions of the steam conditioner and extruder for producingsoyabean products for pet food applications. Stability studies were done on pet food samples and freefatty acid content and peroxide values were used as the criteria to evaluate the lipase activity inextruded soyabean samples. Extrusion of steam-conditioned soyabean material inactivated theantinutritional factors making extruded soyabean an ideal ingredient for pet food and its stability.
Uitgever: Science publications (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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