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                                       Details van artikel 7 van 18 gevonden artikelen
  Fibrous Dysplasia of Maxillary Bone: A Case Report
Titel: Fibrous Dysplasia of Maxillary Bone: A Case Report
Auteur: Suneedh Gupta*, K.Umesh, N.M.Warad and Shakeel Ahmed
Verschenen in: Al Ameen journal of medical sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 04 (2011) nr. 01 pagina's 92-97
Jaar: 2011
Inhoud: : Fibrous dysplasia is a developmental tumor like condition that is characterized by replacement of normal bone by excessive proliferation of cellular fibrous connective tissue intermixed with irregular bony trabeculae. It causes bone pain, deformities & pathologic fracture. It may involve one or several bones and consists of one or more foci of fibro osseous tissue within the matrix of the affected bone. Here a case of fibrous dysplasia of maxillary bone has reported.
Uitgever: Dr.B.S.Patil (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 7 van 18 gevonden artikelen
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