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  A Study on the Occurrence of Injuries and Concept of Students on School Bus Safety in India
Title: A Study on the Occurrence of Injuries and Concept of Students on School Bus Safety in India
Author: Somnath Gangopadhyay*, Samrat Dev, Tarannum Ara, Goutam Ghoshal and Tamal Das
Appeared in: Al Ameen journal of medical sciences
Paging: Volume 04 (2011) nr. 01 pages 54-60
Year: 2011
Contents: A school bus is used universally to transport school children to and from school. These are considered as the safest mode of transport in city areas in spite of poor ergonomic interior design and predominant unsafe condition. The study was performed among the students to find out their concept of safety regarding the interior design of school buses. For this study a questionnaire was developed and performed among three hundred urban students of eight different schools of Kolkata. The students were divided into three groups of equal strength: primary, middle and high. Each group had fifty male and fifty female students. From the analysis of questionnaire it was observed that all students were facing many unsafe and poor ergonomics related problems that lead to injuries while traveling in the school buses. It was further revealed that design of Indian school buses should be improved immediately
Publisher: Dr.B.S.Patil (provided by DOAJ)
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 3 of 18 found articles
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