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  Prevalence of HIV among Rural Pregnant Women Attending PPTCT Services at KLE Hospital, Belgaum
Titel: Prevalence of HIV among Rural Pregnant Women Attending PPTCT Services at KLE Hospital, Belgaum
Auteur: G.S. Ashtagi *, C.S. Metgud, P.R. Walvekar and V.A. Naik
Verschenen in: Al Ameen journal of medical sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 04 (2011) nr. 01 pagina's 45-48
Jaar: 2011
Inhoud: Research question: What is the prevalence of HIV infection among rural pregnant women? Objectives: To know the prevalence of HIV infection and anaemia among pregnant women. Study design: Cross-sectional. Setting: Primary Health Centres namely Kinaye, Vantamuri and Handiganur. Participants: 716 pregnant women residing in three Primary Health Centres and availing PPTCT services at KLE’s Dr. Prabhakar Kore Hospital & MRC, Belgaum. Results: The study revealed that, the prevalence rate of HIV infection in antenatal mothers was 0.70%. Out of 716 pregnant women studied, 508 (70.95%) were anaemic and 208 (29.05%) were not anaemic. Among 508 anaemic pregnant women, 211 (41.54%) had mild anaemia, 211 (41.54%) had moderate anaemia and 86 (16.92%) had severe anaemia. About 17.73% of the pregnant women belonged to high-risk group. Conclusion: The economic and demographic consequences of the spread of HIV/AIDS are inexorable and awesome. Development of programmes with an integrated approach to inducing behavioral change, promoting use of condoms and controlling STD’s may reduce the infectivity of HIV transmitters and the susceptibility of HIV exposed persons. In this era of AIDS, there is a need to express care and compassion rather than fear, hostility or alienation.
Uitgever: Dr.B.S.Patil (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 13 van 18 gevonden artikelen
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