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                                       Details van artikel 67 van 72 gevonden artikelen
  Tudo o que tinhas a fazer era mudar a direção da rota? A Social- Democracia pós-keynesiana e seus dilemas ideológicos = All you had to do was to turn your route around? Post-keynesian Social- Democracy and its ideological dilemmas
Titel: Tudo o que tinhas a fazer era mudar a direção da rota? A Social- Democracia pós-keynesiana e seus dilemas ideológicos = All you had to do was to turn your route around? Post-keynesian Social- Democracy and its ideological dilemmas
Auteur: Clayton Mendonça Cunha Filho
Verschenen in: Acta scientiarum. Human and social sciences
Paginering: Jaargang 32 (2010) nr. 2 pagina's 199-206
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: O presente artigo trata dos dilemas ideológicos e estratégicos da Social-Democracia enquanto corrente política. O objetivo é debater os caminhos da social-democracia, dos dilemas iniciais acerca da posição a adotar em relação à nascente democracia do século XIX e os impassesnas primeiras experiências de governo até a “descoberta” do keynesianismo e a consolidação do “modo social-democrata de governar” e a posterior crise do modelo que levou os principais partidos social-democratas europeus à atual encruzilhada. Faço uma distinção entre socialdemocracia e Estado do bem-estar social de modo a entender a real contribuição dos socialdemocratas na construção e consolidação dos distintos modelos de welfare existentes e, principalmente, a relevância das distinções político-ideológicas e “estratégicas” entre os partidos social-democratas/socialista e liberais/conservadores nos dias de hoje. A título de ilustração da atual encruzilhada ideológica social-democrata, tomo os casos da Espanha sob o governo socialista de Felipe González (1982-1996) e a Alemanha sob o governo social-democrata de Gerhard Schröder (1998-2005).The present article deals with the ideological and strategical problems of Social Democracy as a political tendency. The aim is to debate the paths taken by Social Democracy from the initial dilemmas concerning the position to be adopted in face of the nascent XIX-century-democracy and the impasses of the first government experiences to the “finding” of Keynesianism and the consolidation of the “social-democratic way of governing” and its subsequent crisis that led the main European social-democratic parties to the present crossroad. I make a distinction between Social Democracy and welfare state in order to understand the real contribution of Social Democracy to the building and consolidation of the distinct existent welfare systems and, especially, the relevance of the political-ideological and “strategic” differences between social-democratic/socialist and liberal/conservative parties of today. In order to illustrate the present ideological crossroad, I take the cases of Spain under Felipe González’s socialist government (1982-1996) and Germany’s social-democratic government under Gerhard Schröder (1998-2005).
Uitgever: Eduem - Editora da Universidade Estadual de Maringá (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 67 van 72 gevonden artikelen
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