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  Impact of Mechanical Forces in a 25kA Current Injection Transformer
Titel: Impact of Mechanical Forces in a 25kA Current Injection Transformer
Auteur: H. Heydari
S.M. Pedramrazi
Verschenen in: Journal of electrical systems
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 245-258
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: Since Current Injection transformer (CIT) systems are within the major group of the standard type test equipments in electrical industry, their performances are very important. When designing a high current devices, there are many factors to be considered from which, unharmful effects of mechanical forces due to high current (25kA) passing through secondary winding of a CIT must be ensured. Since the electromagnetic forces is proportional to the square of current, up to the present time, as far as the authors are aware no report on impact of mechanical forces considerations for current injection devices has been made. This paper attempts to fill this void in our knowledge by considering various issues related to the mechanical forces in a 25kA CIT, using 2D electromagnetic fields (EMFs) simulation tools (Ansys 8.1) to calculate stray reactance fields and the mechanical forces in a single turn secondary winding of the CIT.
Uitgever: ESRGroups (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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