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  Amélioration de la qualité microbiologique des effluents secondaires par stockage en bassins
Titel: Amélioration de la qualité microbiologique des effluents secondaires par stockage en bassins
Auteur: Trad-Rais M.
Xanthoulis D.
Verschenen in: Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement
Paginering: Jaargang 3 (1999) nr. 3 pagina's 149-157
Jaar: 1999
Inhoud: Microbiological quality improvement of secondary effluent by reservoir storage. Storing secondary effluents is of particular interest for water resource management. It constitutes further treatment which reduces the microbial contamination of water to a level where it can be used for the irrigation of all crops, without restriction. The storage of treated wastewater takes place during the winter, ensuring that such a resource is not lost and enabling a larger area to be irrigated during the dry season, thereby increasing agricultural production. Storage trials in reservoirs were conducted in north-eastern Tunisia. Their objective was to determine the length and conditions of secondary effluent decontamination as well as the impact of seasonal storage on water quality. The results indicate that the decontamination of effluents slows down with increased reservoir depth. For a depth of less than 150 cm, a reduction of fecal coliforms in the order of 3 log units is attained in 3 days when the average temperature of the water ranges from 22 to 25 degrees C; when this temperature is between 25.5 and 28 degrees C, the same reduction takes 8 days. Below 20 degrees C, decontamination is considerably reduced: for a mean water temperature ranging from 12.5 to 18 degrees C, the reduction of fecal coliforms reaches 3 log units only after a retention time of 17 days in the reservoir. Seasonal storage from 2 to 7 months does not affect the bacteriological quality of water: after decontamination, no proliferation of bacterial indicators occurs during storage.
Uitgever: University of Gembloux, Faculty of Agricultural Sciences
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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