Effet de la salinité sur la répartition des cations (Na+, K+ et Ca2+) et du chlore (Cl-) dans les parties aériennes et les racines du ray-grass anglais et du chiendent
Effet de la salinité sur la répartition des cations (Na+, K+ et Ca2+) et du chlore (Cl-) dans les parties aériennes et les racines du ray-grass anglais et du chiendent
Faouzi Haouala Hanen Ferjani Salem Ben El Hadj
Verschenen in:
Biotechnologie, agronomie, société et environnement
Jaargang 11 (2007) nr. 3 pagina's 235-244
Salinity effect on the assessment of cations (Na+, K+ and Ca2+) and chlorine (Cl-) in the aerial parts and roots of perennial ryegrass and bermudagrass. Seedling plants of bermudagrass, var. Tifway, and perennial ryegrass, var. Perfect, were cultivated in growth plate and sprinkled with running water added with different contents of NaCl (50 to 150 mM). One cultivation is led during summer time and another one during winter time. The ionic characteristics of vegetative organs of plants (leaves, roots) depend of the species and the season of cultivation. The plants of perennial ryegrass and bermudagrass accumulated Na+ and Cl- in their tissues but leaf contents for these ions were generally higher in perennial ryegrass especially at the highest concentration of NaCl. Salinity led to modifications in K+ and Ca2+ contents according to the species, kind of organ and season.