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  Farm Planning Model for Sustainable Vegetable Crop Production in the Eastern Part of Kogi State, Nigeria
Titel: Farm Planning Model for Sustainable Vegetable Crop Production in the Eastern Part of Kogi State, Nigeria
Auteur: M.H. Sani
U. Haruna
Verschenen in: Journal of agronomy
Paginering: Jaargang 9 (2010) nr. 1 pagina's 17-22
Jaar: 2010
Inhoud: The study examined the farm planning model for sustainable vegetable crop production in the Eastern part of Kogi State, Nigeria. Specific objectives of the study were to: identify the various cultural practice, irrigation sources and application methods and also to determine the net benefits of the farmers with respect to vegetable crop production. Multi-stage random sampling technique was used. From the study area, three local government areas were randomly selected. In each local government area, two villages each where there is extensive irrigation cultivation were purposively selected making a total of 6 villages. Samples of twenty farmers from each of the 6 villages were selected giving a total sample of 120 farmers in all. Data were collected with the assistance of trained enumerators using structured questionnaire, interview and on-the-farm observation. Farm budget planning model was used to determine the net benefits of the vegetable crop production by the farmers. The result reveals that gross total variable cost was N23, 378.59 and gross total fixed cost was 603.80 representing 97.48 and 2.52% of the gross total cost of N23, 982.39, respectively. Cost of fertilizer and fuel constitutes 30.62 and 38.38%, respectively of the gross total variable cost. The gross returns was N447,136.00 having the highest contribution margins of 51.47 and 27.86% from onion and pepper, respectively. The results of the profitability index revealed that RRI was 1,764.43%; RRFC was 70,181.75%; RRVC was 1,910.00% and CTO was 18.64. The result of RRI which is above 100% signifies that the 120 sample farmers do not require additional capital for crop production. The RRVC and RRFC were also above 100% meaning that some of the vegetable crop production inputs are high and as such needed to be subsidized in order to increase CTO of the sample farmers. The CTO has a value of 18.64 implying that for every additional Naira spent by the sampled farmers on inputs will yield about N18.64 net returns. The study recommend the need for the Government to subsidize some of the farm inputs based on the results of RRVC and RRFC which were above 100% revealing that some of the vegetable crop production inputs are high.
Uitgever: Asian Network for Scientific Information (provided by DOAJ)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 3 van 4 gevonden artikelen
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