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  Kinetics of Sb2S3 leaching in NaOH solution
Titel: Kinetics of Sb2S3 leaching in NaOH solution
Auteur: Emília Sminčáková
Ľudmila Komorová
Verschenen in: Acta Montanistica Slovaka
Paginering: Jaargang 12 (2007) nr. 4 pagina's 328-333
Jaar: 2007
Inhoud: The objective of this research was to study the kinetic aspects of natural stibnite leaching in NaOH aqueous solutions. The experimental results obtained in laboratory conditions showed that an increase of the temperature, NaOH concentration in the solution and a decrease of the particle size of the solid phase have positive effects on the antimony removal into the solution. At the temperature range from 298 K to 348 K the apparent activation energy was determined Ea=40,5 kJ mol-1. The apparent order of reaction with respect to the initial NaOH concentration in the solution at 298 K and in the solution concentration range from 0.125 mol dm-3 NaOH to 1 mol dm-3 NaOH was determined to be approximately unit.
Uitgever: Technical University of Kosice, the Faculty of Mining, Ecology, Process Control and Geotechnologies (F BERG)
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details van artikel 5 van 11 gevonden artikelen
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