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  The Insight Program: A Dream Realized
Title: The Insight Program: A Dream Realized
Author: Bowermaster, Traci G.
Appeared in: Journal of groups in addiction & recovery
Paging: Volume 2 (2008) nr. 2-4 pages 198-219
Year: 2008-06-12
Contents: Traci G. Bowermaster, Lead Teacher and Special Education Teacher at the Insight Program, a recovery high school in White Bear Lake, Minnesota, explains how her school was created and how it has evolved. Using the framework of many recovery stories, she writes about how it was in the early days of recovery schools before special education was emphasized, what happened that lead to the formation of her school, and what her school program is like now. She uses her unique perspective of having taught in a treatment center to explain the importance of incorporating strong special education programming in recovery high schools and illustrates the process her team used to form a recovery school with little financial means. Pitfalls along the way helped the Insight Program find its weak spots, eventually grow stronger, and create an ambitious vision for the program's future.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 12 of 16 found articles
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