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  Fuel Cell Demonstration at the u.s. Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod
Titel: Fuel Cell Demonstration at the u.s. Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod
Auteur: Halverson, Mark
Chvala, William
Herrera, Shawn
Verschenen in: Cogeneration & distributed generation journal
Paginering: Jaargang 20 (2005) nr. 3 pagina's 43-50
Jaar: 2005-06-01
Inhoud: The U.S. Coast Guard installed one of the first fuel cells in the New England region, with funding from the Green Power Initiative of the Renewable Energy Trust (administered by the Massachusetts Technology Collaborative), the U.S. Department of Defense's (DOD's) Climate Change Fuel Cell Program, and KeySpan Energy. Beginning in 1998, the Federal Energy Management Program (FEMP) and the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' Construction Engineering Research Laboratory (CERL) provided technical assistance in the form of project economics, analysis, and site selection. The 250-kW fuel cell combined heat and power plant is located at the U.S. Coast Guard Air Station Cape Cod in Bourne, Massachusetts. The prime contractor, PPL Corporation, was responsible for all engineering and design work. FuelCell Energy of Danbury, Connecticut, was responsible for the manufacture, delivery, and installation of the fuel cell. Fuel cells produce electricity through an electrochemical reaction rather than combustion. While currently more expensive to purchase than conventional power-generating equipment, fuel cells provide efficient, reliable power with minimal emissions. (For more information on fuel cells, see FEMP's Federal Technology Alert, “Natural Gas Fuel Cells” at
Uitgever: Taylor & Francis
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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