Correlates of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Child Protective Services Workers
Correlates of Secondary Traumatic Stress in Child Protective Services Workers
Bride, Brian E. Jones, Jenny L. Macmaster, Samuel A.
Appeared in:
Journal of evidence-based social work
Volume 4 (2007) nr. 3-4 pages 69-80
The purpose of this study was to add to the limited research on secondary traumatic stress in child welfare by investigating correlates of secondary traumatic stress (STS) in child protective services workers. Specifically, we examined the relationship between levels of STS in CPS professionals and personal history of trauma, peer and administrative support, intent to remain employed in child welfare, professional experience, and size of caseload. This study documents the existence of secondary traumatic stress in the population and the relationship between levels of secondary traumatic stress in CPS professionals and the group of potential correlates: personal history of trauma in the past year and lifetime, peer support, administrative support, intent to remain employed in child welfare, professional experience, and size of caseload.