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  Children's Bureau Discretionary Grants
Title: Children's Bureau Discretionary Grants
Author: Brodowski, Melissa Lim
Flanzer, Sally
Nolan, Catherine
Shafer, Jan
Kaye, Elyse
Appeared in: Journal of evidence-based social work
Paging: Volume 4 (2007) nr. 3-4 pages 3-20
Year: 2007-08-08
Contents: This article provides an overview of the Children's Bureau discretionary grant programs; a discussion of the Bureau's approach to grant-making towards knowledge development and knowledge management; and a review of the specific strategies that the Bureau is undertaking to promote and support this philosophy. The article provides two examples of how this concept has been implemented through specific grant clusters: the Quality Improvement Centers on Child Protective Services and Adoption, and the Replications of a Demonstrated Effective Prevention Program (a.k.a. Family Connections Prevention Replications). The article concludes with a discussion about the next steps for the Children's Bureau and its continued efforts to move the field of child welfare forward, generate knowledge, and disseminate information that can truly inform policy and practice to improve outcomes for children and their families. doi:10.1300/J394v04n03_02
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 3 of 12 found articles
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