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  Agency-Academic Collaboration in Evidence-Based Practice
Title: Agency-Academic Collaboration in Evidence-Based Practice
Author: Sundet, Paul
Kellym, Michael J.
Appeared in: Journal of evidence-based social work
Paging: Volume 4 (2007) nr. 3-4 pages 163-182
Year: 2007-08-08
Contents: Evidence-based practice requires special expertise and ideological commitment which are harder to operationalize than to articulate. Combining the elements of a learning community with the research orientation required of an evidence-based approach to innovation led the authors to revisit the Intervention Design and Development model posited by Rothman and others. Applying it to a staff development initiative provides evidence that an interstitial system composed of academics and agency personnel, drawing on the unique talents and contributions of each, can work together in improving the quality of practice while simultaneously meeting the separate needs of each constituency.
Publisher: Routledge
Source file: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

                             Details for article 2 of 12 found articles
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