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  Medication Adherence Among Older Adults
Titel: Medication Adherence Among Older Adults
Auteur: Grocki, Julie H.
Huffman, Katie Kattic
Verschenen in: Journal of evidence-based social work
Paginering: Jaargang 4 (2007) nr. 1-2 pagina's 97-120
Jaar: 2007-04-27
Inhoud: With the dramatic demographic changes that are resulting in the “graying of America” has come a substantial interest in the health and health concerns of older adults. The increasing incidence and prevalence of systemic diseases, especially chronic diseases among elders, and the concomitant increase in medication use, have provided impetus for the study of medication adherence among older adults. This study examined barriers to effective medication adherence among 67 persons 60 years of age and older from closed case files of an Adult Protective Services (APS) agency. A Crosstabulation analysis was conducted to examine gender differences. Results revealed that for both males and females, intentional caregiver neglect (41% and 36% respectively) was the predominant barrier while dementia was the second (24% males and 41% females). A One-Way ANOVA was conducted to compare means and revealed that for the entire sample, intentional caregiver neglect was the predominant barrier to effective medication adherence (37%) while drug abuse (3%) was the least likely. Findings indicate that a significant number of the elderly do not adhere to medication protocols. As a result, risk for serious health consequences of medication non-adherence is likely. The need for further research is discussed given these findings.
Uitgever: Routledge
Bronbestand: Elektronische Wetenschappelijke Tijdschriften

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