Stephenson, Priscilla L. Taylor, Mary Virginia Knapp, Maureen Molly
Verschenen in:
Journal of consumer health on the internet
Jaargang 11 (2007) nr. 2 pagina's 61-73
Survivors of traumatic events may experience a large range of emotions after a disaster, including anxiety disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder, depression, and substance abuse. The terms “post-Katrina stress disorder” and “post-Katrina stress syndrome” have recently emerged to refer to the grief, shock, mood shifts, confusion, anger, marital discord, guilt, escape fantasies, and substance abuse that have plagued survivors of the 2005 Gulf Coast storms. This review of consumer health Web sites aims to provide a starting point for disaster survivors seeking information on anxiety disorders and mental health services. doi:10.1300/J381v11n02_05