BOOK REVIEWS (Mary E. Dankoski, Book Review Editor)
BOOK REVIEWS (Mary E. Dankoski, Book Review Editor)
Appeared in:
Journal of couple and relationship therapy
Volume 5 (2006) nr. 4 pages 87-91
ADULT ATTACHMENT: THEORY, RESEARCH, AND CLINICAL IMPLICATIONS. W. Stephen Rholes and Jeffrey A. Simpson (Eds.). New York: Guilford Press, 2004, 482 pp., $55.00 (hardcover). Reviewed by Janet Canino. BECOMING AN EMOTIONALLY FOCUSED COUPLE THERAPIST: THE WORKBOOK. Johnson, S., Bradley, B., Furrow, J., Lee, A., Palmer, G., Tilley, D., and Woolley, S. New York: Taylor & Francis Group, 2005, 401 pp., $27.95 (paperback). Reviewed by Ting Liu. THE COUPLE AND FAMILY THERAPIST'S NOTEBOOK. Katherine M. Hertlein, Dawn Viers, and Associates. New York: The Haworth Clinical Practice Press, 2005, 238 pp., $34.95 (softback). Reviewed by Wendy Loker.